Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dis and Dat

So my ride along last Friday was fun, except for the 4 inches of snow that we were driving around in. I got to the precinct a little before 6:00. I only live a few minutes away, but being that it was snowing like mad I wanted to give myself extra time. The sergeant let me in and told me to have a seat in the meeting room. Doug was late, so I sat around for about 20 minutes and everyone else got ready for roll call. This was the first time that I got to actually sit in on roll call, which was kind of interesting. I picked up tidbits about protocol on when to use lights and sirens for a call, when to initiate a puruit and when to terminate (handy information should I ever find myself being chased by the po-po) ;), and information about their bait car. If you don't know what a bait car is, it's a vehicle that is outfitted with a camera and a system that alerts dispatch if any of the doors are opened. They place all kinds of goodies inside (laptop, XBox, cell phone, tools) in hopes that someone will take the "bait". As soon as someone opens the door, the cops are right on them. One of the bait cars is actually outfitted with remote ignition kill and door locking mechanisms, so they can stall the engine and lock the thief inside should they try to steal the car - pretty funny!

Then Doug had his one-on-one evaluation/meeting with the sergeant and we were on our way.

The night overall was very slow. We went to one domestic disturbance call where a 16 year-old kid was being unruly and tossing things around his dad's apartment. Doug immediatly put the punk in handcuffs and started in on him military style. After the kid was being a tard and talking back, Doug dragged him outside in his socks (he wouldn't put his shoes on). He must have been cold walking through a couple of inches of slush in his socks but the dumbass deserved it. Then James showed up and started at him, too. James also told the dad that he'd been out the apartment once before that day because the kid and his friends stole cigars from the convenience store and came back to the apartment to smoke pot. The neighbors smelled it and called it in. Dumbass!

After hanging out at Starbucks for about an hour (like I said, it was slow) we got another domestic disturbance call and a burglary, which both turned out to be nothing.

There were a lot of accidents and downed trees because of the weather. I'm glad no one had anything life or death urgent because we wouldn't have gotten there very quickly!

We did get a call to the strip club on Hwy 99, but of course 3 other units, including the sergeant, made it there before we did. Doug gave the sergeant a hard time because we didn't hear him on the radio all night and then as soon as there's a call to the strip club, he's right there. He said he wanted to save the $10 admission. LOL!

Doug wanted to leave at 2:00 because he was driving to Pendleton for a poker tourney the next day, so naturally as we were heading back to the precinct around 1:30 we got behind a DUI. Here's a hint - if you've been drinking and you're driving, don't pull out right in front of a cop car, speed up and then swerve all over the road. That will land you in jail! Doug was pissed because, even though Mill Creek PD took the guy to jail, he had to stay and do paperwork - neener, neener, neener!

So, that's about it in a tasing, no shootings, no wild pursuits. Not that I didn't have fun, but maybe next time will be "better".

On a completely different subject, I have a plan - it's a plan that involves my favorite baritone (guess who) and Boeing. Puzzled? I thought so! But I'm not giving any more details yet. I'll just say that Phase 1-A of my plan will be initiated shortly. This will be pretty darn cool if I can pull it off. The good thing is that I actually have all the resources to make it happen!

Phew! I managed to type all this while at work at 10:45 at night. I'm sitting here waiting....waiting....waiting....for stuff to be ready to test for the release. I'm tired, I have awful cramps, my entire body aches and I just want to go to bed.


Susan said...

Plans are awesome! So ... are you flying to Texas? ;)

Lilly said...

I probably will, since I also have friends there who I don't get to see very often.

But that's not "the plan". ;)